Culinaria's lines get longer every time you visit the store.
Here is a view of a mid-day line. All the cashiers are helping customers, and the line is backed up beyond the regular waiting area.
The success of the store appears to be increasing. I wonder how many other Schnuck's in the St. Louis market have mid-day lines like this?
Is that crucifix still up there?
I hear the store now allows conceal carry inside. Is this true?
Even with lines that long, you will still get through faster than waiting behind a single person with a full cart at a regular Schnucks
Boycott Schnucks!
Good to see the downtown grocery story succeed. It will be a real asset as downtown continues to attract more residents.
We should be Lucky that a family owned business decided to support downtown to revive the city..I have shopped there several times, the lines are FAST
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