Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Downtown's Corner Sandwich Stops

10 months or so out of the year, at downtown's corner of 6th and Olive, there's a vendor who sets up a stainless steel, hot dog cart, and barbeques brats, chicken etc.

The food smells good, and customers line up sometimes ten deep. Sidewalk vendors add buzz to downtown's street life. Downtown should have more small business operators like this.

Does the city lease these sidewalk locations? How much? Do businesses get grandfathered in? Anyone know how this works?

What about starting one up in the CWE or South Grand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never thought of this missing on city steets, but we really could use a few downtown. This summer I've gotten used to Ice-Cream vans driving by (never gre up with em), but I know sometimes a pretzel or hot dog would hit the spot.
You know, unless you need to stay outside of this summer heat