The Great Divorce happened in 1876. Now, there is talk of the city reentering St. Louis County. I like the idea. I'd like to hear from people in St. Louis County about it, because for a reconciliation to happen, it has to be a marriage of equals.
Both sides bring value to the relationship. Will it happen? It will take some serious relationship counseling. One thing is interesting. Note the map above. The City is almost the perfect size to become the eighth County Council District. We'd have a member on the St. Louis County Council. Doesn't that sound good?
If the district sizes are based on population, the city would probably have more than one seat on the County Council.
It needed to happen in 1877. It needs to happen now more than ever.
Representation, by law, must be based on population: one man, one vote.
Sounds way overdue to me. What is being done at this time to advance the merger?
I agree. As a nearly lifelong county resident, I was excited to hear these things coming from Slay.
Let's get started! After BPV is built, Arch grounds improved and connected, then we can start reconnecting all those 90 plus (or however many there are) municipalities to the city. I don't to wait to 2098 , so let's just call 1-800-WizardofOz asap.
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