Most of us St. Louisans don't think of ourselves as southerners, but a lot of outsiders do. They must be right.
Explore Old St. Louis, and there's no denying our southern ancestry.
STL Rising is a blog dedicated to the renaissance of the City of St. Louis. It's a place to discuss issues and possibilities, all in the spirit of promoting the continuing progress of this great metropolis of the Mississippi Valley.
What's PC or inclusive about "outsiders" when you define yourself as an "outsider" as well? How does one get to be a "St. Louisan"?
"Outsider" as far as people living outside of St. Louis, or never having been a St. Louisan.
Getting to be a St. Louisan is a process when eventually STL feels like home and then you are one.
Where is this gorgeous structure in the picture located?
1849 Cass Avenue on the near north side.
Take Tucker north to Cass, west on Cass, and it will be on your right hand side.
I wish we had some structures like this in my neighborhood. They are just gorgeous, and imagine what they could be if restored!
Being from Oklahoma I always considered myself from the South, although not necessarily Southern. Even those years of Southern Living magazine my mom got me didn't make me Southern. However, I do like a good meal of beans & cornbread...
Maybe Blairmont Associates LC, shady owner of the Clemens House, is just a local front for the Daughters of the Confederacy.
A South Sider envying the buildings of the North Side....oh let me savor this moment just a little longer.......ahhhhhhhhh
Now back to my regularly scheduled North Side existence.........
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